08 February 2022

How to stop Alzheimer's Dementia and Amyloid Protein using BiPAP?

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

- Coco Chanel (French Fashion Designer – 1883 – 1971)

On previous blog posts, from personal experience using a bilevel auto adjusting pressure machine rather than CPAP, I was able to treat, stop and reverse a sequence of events occurring during the critical REM sleep period of 4 and 5 hours of sleep. These events caused and were associated with my symptoms of Dementia. How do you stop Alzheimer’s Dementia and Amyloid Protein using BiPAP and Bilevel machines?

To avoid confusion, BiPAP is a Registered Trademark owned by Philips Respironics. Bilevel refers to all other brands such as ResMed.  

The explanation of how I stopped and reversed the symptoms of Dementia has been done on a practical level based on my own personal experience. Previous blog posts are listed at the end of this post. I am not a medical doctor and there will be others with more knowledge and a medical background who can explain better from a technical point of view.

The sequence of events occurring during REM sleep which caused and are associated with my symptoms of Dementia and an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease being tremors in my hand were hypoxia or oxygen desaturation, sleep disordered breathing including obstructive sleep apnea and flow limitations and upper airway resistance, insomnia and Awake Bruxism.

To stop and reverse the symptoms of Dementia and Amyloid Protein, I used a ResMed Bilevel auto adjusting pressure machine. A number of people will find the advanced ResMed ASV and iVAPS machines more comfortable to sleep with due to higher pressures only “kicking in” when required to enable you to breathe properly again. 

What is the significance of Amyloid Protein?

Amyloid Protein and Amyloid Plaques may cause or are associated with many medical conditions and health issues. These conditions include the neurodegenerative disorders of Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Amyloid Plaques form when protein pieces called beta-amyloid (BAY-tuh AM-uh-loyd) clump together. Beta-amyloid comes from a larger protein found in the fatty membrane surrounding nerve cells. Beta-amyloid is chemically "sticky" and gradually builds up into plaques.


In addition, there is a rare disease called Amyloidosis that is a consequence of abnormal protein (amyloid) deposits in body tissues and organs. Amyloidosis that affects many tissues throughout the body is referred to as systemic amyloidosis. The systemic form can cause serious changes in virtually any organ of the body, including the kidneys (renal amyloidosis), heart (cardiac amyloidosis), skin (cutaneous amyloidosis), and lungs (pulmonary amyloidosis).


From personal experience, various proteins including Amyloid Protein may cause or are associated with many medical conditions and health issues which I had. All these conditions and issues I have eliminated or substantially minimized and delayed any effects they may have until many years into the future! 

As mentioned previously, to stop and reverse the symptoms of Dementia and Amyloid Protein, I used a ResMed Bilevel auto adjusting pressure machine. It is the one critical success factor you and your health may need every day!

Medical conditions and health issues which I had:

1. Dementia symptoms

          - REM sleep issues during 4 to 5 hours sleep period

          - Hypoxia or oxygen desaturation

          - Sleep Disordered Breathing including Obstructive Sleep Apnea, flow limitations and upper airway resistance

          - Insomnia

          - Awake Bruxism

Kuo Chih-Yun, Hsiao Hung-Ta, Lo Ing-Hsien, Nikolai Tomas. Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Its Treatment, and Alzheimer's Disease: Systematic Mini-Review. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Volume 12, 2021


2. Tremors in my hand – early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease

Katsuya Araki, Naoto Yagi, Koki Aoyama, Chi-Jing Choong, Hideki Hayakawa, Harutoshi Fujimura, Yoshitaka Nagai, Yuji Goto, Hideki Mochizuki. Parkinson’s disease is a type of amyloidosis featuring accumulation of amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019; 201906124 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1906124116


3. Eye cataracts

Amyloid found in human cataracts with two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy

Ariel M. Alperstein, Joshua S. Ostrander, Tianqi O. Zhang, Martin T. Zanni Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Apr 2019, 116 (14) 6602-6607; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1821534116 


4. Hearing loss

Reported Hearing Loss in Alzheimer’s Disease Is Associated With Loss of Brainstem and Cerebellar Volume 

Llano Daniel A., Kwok Susanna S., Devanarayan Viswanath,  The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Volume 15, 2021


5. Foamy or frothy urine and possible kidney disease

American Academy of Neurology (AAN). "Protein in urine linked to increased risk of memory problems, dementia." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 December 2016.


Foamy Urine: Symptoms, Causes, and More 


6. Hemochromatosis and increase in ferritin protein level and iron

Chung JY, Kim HS, Song J. Iron metabolism in diabetes-induced Alzheimer's disease: a focus on insulin resistance in the brain. Biometals. 2018 Oct;31(5):705-714. doi: 10.1007/s10534-018-0134-2. Epub 2018 Jul 24. Erratum in: Biometals. 2018 Sep 17;: PMID: 30043289; PMCID: PMC6133192. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30043289/

Excess iron is stored in your organs, especially your liver, heart and pancreas. Too much iron can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as liver disease, heart problems and diabetes.


This genetic disorder is characterized by having too much iron absorption from the foods that you eat. Where your iron levels are too high, you may feel incredibly tired and lethargic. As an aside, when my iron levels are too high, my skin colour starts having an orange tinge to it.

Body iron level helps regulate our circadian rhythms and their link to metabolism. You can read more at this article.

In addition, Research is supporting that a brain's ability to clear a protein closely linked to Alzheimer's disease is tied to our circadian cycle.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. "Clearance of protein linked to Alzheimer's controlled by circadian cycle: Ability of immune system to destroy Alzheimer's-related protein oscillates with daily circadian rhythm." ScienceDaily. 10 February 2022.


 7. Psoriasis and inflammatory skin diseases

                     Association Between Psoriasis and Dementia: Current Evidence 

Liu Liu, Chen Si-ting, Li Hong-jin, Qiang Yan, Sun Xiao-ying, Zhou Ya-qiong, Xing Meng, Luo Ying, Ru Yi, Ding Xiao-jie, Kuai Le, Li Bin, Li Xin. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Volume 12, 2020    


8. High Cholesterol

Habchi, J., Chia, S., Galvagnion, C. et al. Cholesterol catalyses Aβ42 aggregation through a heterogeneous nucleation pathway in the presence of lipid membranes. Nature Chem 10, 673–683 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-018-0031-x


9. High Triglycerides as a possible precursor to Diabetes

Dimache AM, Șalaru DL, Sascău R, Stătescu C. The Role of High Triglycerides Level in Predicting Cognitive Impairment: A Review of Current Evidence. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 20;13(6):2118. doi: 10.3390/nu13062118. PMID: 34203094; PMCID: PMC8234148.


These are the various medical conditions and health issues that I have or used to have. Use the above as a Checklist of advanced early warning signals or markers. It is my belief the more conditions and issues you have; the more likelihood you may be headed down the path towards Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

From personal experience, many of these medical conditions and health issues are being started or caused by what is occurring during what I believe is the critical REM sleep period of 4-5 hours of sleep.

It is my belief that it is the REM sleep issues of hypoxia or oxygen desaturation, sleep disordered breathing including obstructive sleep apnea, flow limitations and upper airway resistance that are causing synaptic (nerve signal) issues and inflammation of cells in the body.

It is also my belief the synaptic and inflammation issues are causing amyloid protein to be produced and to be deposited throughout the body including the brain. It is the issue of waking up during REM sleep and having insomnia and staying awake that is “shutting the gate” in the brain. By “shutting the gate”, various proteins including amyloid protein cannot clear or escape from the brain and other parts of the body and this is leading to medical conditions and health issues including Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

As detailed on the January 2021 blog post, sleep is a time when the brain goes through a “cleansing” process. Experts say this cleansing washes away proteins that accumulate during the day and can help lower the risk of dementia.

The exact process taking place involves our glymphatic system, a waste clearance system for our central nervous system. While we’re awake, precursor proteins called amyloid-betas spike and accumulate in our brain. During our sleeping hours, our brain flushes these amyloid-betas, preventing them from forming into plaque and damaging our neurons.

Without adequate sleep, our brain can’t effectively wash away these precursor proteins. Their accumulation has been associated with a higher risk of dementia due to the damaged neurons.


By adjusting the ResMed Bilevel machine settings including increasing the inhale (IPAP) and exhale (EPAP) pressures as detailed on the March 2021 blog post, I was able to stop the REM sleep issues including hypoxia and insomnia. By doing so, it is my belief that I stopped the inflammation of cells in the body and restored the normal functioning of the nervous system and the sending of nerve signals. 

Most importantly, the various proteins including amyloid protein were able to be cleared from the brain and other parts of the body and the symptoms of Dementia and the tremors in my hand were able to be stopped and reversed. 

In addition, I have eliminated or substantially minimized and delayed any effects the other medical conditions and health issues detailed above may have until many years into the future!

For example, at an eye test in late December 2021, the optometrist advised the eye sight in my right eye (bad eye) has improved by 40% and left eye by 15% since February 2019. I was due to have an eye cataract operation on each eye within 4 years. Whilst there is still an eye cataract in each eye, I was advised that any cataract operation is “many years away!” My eye sight is now better than nearly 25 years ago! Importantly, at night I can see the road and road signs clearly and my eyes are not affected by the glare from other cars.

On a later blog post, I will detail the improvements in the other medical conditions and health issues. 

Why do I believe that Alzheimer’s Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders are initially caused by synaptic/ nerve signals and inflammation of cell issues due to events occurring during REM sleep including hypoxia or oxygen desaturation.

The following articles provide the answer:

Cerebral Hypoxia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms

How does lack of oxygen affect the brain?

Your brain runs your nervous system. It needs oxygen to function. In fact, the brain uses about a fifth of your body’s total oxygen supply. Oxygen helps send nerve signals and messages throughout the body.

When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, brain cells begin to die. Cell death happens within 5 minutes of low oxygen.


Nervous System: What it is, Types, Symptoms

Your nervous system affects every aspect of your health, including your:

- Thoughts, memory, learning, and feelings.

- Sleep, healing and aging.

- Heartbeat and breathing patterns.

- Movements, such as balance and coordination.

- Senses, including how your brain interprets what you see, hear, taste, touch and feel.

- Digestion, as well as how hungry and thirsty you feel.

- Body processes, such as puberty.

- Response to stressful situations.

A vast network of nerves sends electrical signals to and from other cells, glands, and muscles all over your body. Thousands of disorders and conditions can affect your nerves. An injured nerve has trouble sending a message. Sometimes it’s so damaged that it can’t send or receive a message at all.


From personal experience, it is hypoxia or oxygen desaturation that is the start or cause of synaptic/ nerve signals and inflammation of cell issues and the production of amyloid protein which may be up to 10 to 20 years or more before an actual diagnosis of a degenerative disorder.

I suggest the protein showing up in my medical conditions and health issues including the brain, eye cataracts, hearing loss, hemochromatosis and foamy or frothy urine are giving a person advanced early warning signals or markers of a possible much more serious problem happening in the future such as a degenerative disorder. 

To stop and reverse Alzheimer’s Dementia and Amyloid Protein using BiPAP and Bilevel machines, it is my belief that you are going to require 3 things as detailed on the December 2020 blog post:

1. Good quality sleep with no or minimal REM sleep issues  

2. Healthy balanced diet

3. Physical exercise and keeping yourself mentally and socially active

As detailed on previous blog posts, it is going to be up to you to educate yourself on how these sleep machines truly work.

This is the reason for the quote at the top of the page.

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

- Coco Chanel (French Fashion Designer – 1883 – 1971)

It will be up to you to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Aloud! For you to think and have courage to take action rather than just listen and believe what many medical doctors are advising in relation to CPAP machines. CPAP is not well tolerated by many people. As detailed on various blog posts including Why is CPAP Compliance Rate Low?, there is an estimated 80% or more than 15 million people who are non-compliant, failing and non-successful on sleep apnea therapy.      

The Bilevel and BiPAP sleep machines rather than CPAP together with a healthy balanced diet and physical exercise and other activities are “The Cure” or will greatly assist in the cure of many neurodegenerative disorders. 

By stopping or reducing the effects of any medical and health issues that you may have as early as possible will go a long way to assisting you to live a long, healthy and happy life!

Due to long COVID and bad flu from the second half of 2022 to 2023, I had to increase the starting IPAP to 21.8 cmH2O and EPAP to 16.6 cmH2O. Fixed pressure support of 5.2 cmH2O is being used. During the night, maximum IPAP may go over 23.0 cmH2O with a top of 23.6 cmH2O and EPAP of 18.4 cmH2O recorded. These illnesses lead to the symptoms of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) previously overcome to reoccur due to hypoxia (oxygen desaturation) and sleep disordered breathing. ZERO Minute Ventilation, Respiratory/ Breathing rate and Tidal Volume occurred during what I believe is the critical REM sleep period of 4 to 5 hours of sleep.

More details are at:

Stop Insomnia, Hypoxia, REM sleep issues causing Alzheimer's: Use BiPAP

In addition, I have what seem to be early symptoms of bulbar onset ALS or motor neuron disease (MND) including slurred speech, difficulty in swallowing and mucus or phlegm in the upper airway. I am still using a ResMed Bilevel or BiPAP auto adjusting pressure machine which is doing a great job in keeping me refreshed and energized each day. 

Further details of the combination of REM sleep issues, obstructive sleep apneainsomnia and Awake Bruxism and how they may be early warning signs or markers of a diagnosis of REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD) and subsequently Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders are on the following blog posts:

Oct 20: Use BiPAP ST with iVAPS or AVAPS for REM sleep issues

Nov 20: Use BiPAP and CPAP to treat REM Sleep and OSA issues which may cause Parkinson's and Dementia

Dec 20: Stop CPAP REM Issues and Sleep Apnea causing Dementia: Use BiPAP

Jan 21: Stop Hypoxia, Alzheimer's, Bruxism using CPAP and BiPAP

Feb 21: Stop Insomnia, Hypoxia, REM sleep issues causing Alzheimer's: Use BiPAP 

Mar 21: Use BiPAP to prevent Alzheimer's Dementia caused by REM sleep issues 

Apl 21: What BiPAP Settings prevent Alzheimer's due to REM sleep breathing issues?

May 21: Can Different BiPAP Machines prevent Alzheimer's Dementia? 

Jul 21: Stop Alzheimer's Dementia using BiPAP with AVAPS or iVAPS

Aug 21: Can Alzheimer's be due to Sleep Position on Back using CPAP?

Should you be having side effects and issues with your sleep apnea therapy; CHANGE what you are doing so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and energized each day.

“Have courage. Be adventurous and Go for it! Overcome your fear.”

- Mrhelpful