“To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.”
- Giorgio Armani (Italian Designer – 1934 -)
Using different BiPAP or Bilevel auto adjusting pressure machines can prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease. By stopping REM sleep issues you may prevent up to some decades later a diagnosis of REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD). Subsequently, a possible diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders and serious medical conditions such as Kidney disease and Type 2 Diabetes!
As detailed on previous blog posts, sleep disordered breathing (SDB) may cause a sequence of events to occur being hypoxia or oxygen desaturation, REM sleep issues, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insomnia and Awake Bruxism. From personal experience this sequence occurring during the REM sleep period between 4 and 5 hours of sleep led to the symptoms of dementia.
To avoid confusion, BiPAP is a Registered Trademark owned by Philips Respironics. Bilevel refers to all other brands such as ResMed.
The explanation of how I stopped and reversed the symptoms of Dementia is going to be done on a practical level based on my own personal experience. I am not a medical doctor and there will be others with more knowledge and a medical background who can explain better from a technical point of view.
By using a BiPAP and Bilevel auto adjusting pressure machine, I was able to stop sleep disordered breathing and the above sequence of events from occurring. I am now cleared of all the symptoms of Dementia.
On the blog post for November 2020, I mentioned there was very little Awake Bruxism remaining. The great news is that after a few months of using the adjusted BiPAP/ bilevel machine settings, the Awake Bruxism issue has now completely gone! In addition, the slight shaking or tremor in my hand has stopped happening.
A tremor while at rest such as sitting is a common early sign of Parkinson’s disease.
Personal experience is showing that up to the early stages of Alzheimer’s Dementia, the symptoms may be able to be reversed. By using BiPAP and Bilevel auto adjusting pressure machines, significant improvement can be made to a person’s medical health condition. Having cleared the symptoms of Dementia, I am back to waking up refreshed and energized each day.
It is my
belief that with sufficient time using BiPAP and Bilevel machines and stopping
and preventing hypoxia and sleep disordered breathing including obstructive and
central sleep apnea, the neurodegenerative disorders in their later stages may also
be able to be reversed to some extent or at least delayed in their progress
providing a better quality of life for a person.This is supported by the following articles:
Damage to the brain's outer layer caused by smoking may be reversible after quitting, but it could take years.
Neuronal death is at the heart of grey matter injury. The neuron cell bodies are responsible for keeping the entire neuron alive and healthy and that takes a lot of energy. Grey matter is therefore very susceptible to injury when oxygen levels are low (hypoxia) such as during an ischemic event. (For example, Stroke)
On the blog post Use BiPAP to prevent Alzheimer's Dementia, I mentioned that in addition to using the basic BiPAP and Bilevel machines, should they not provide optimal treatment, try an Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) machine with variable pressure support settings. An ASV machine will allow a person to have a lower starting IPAP and EPAP (inhale and exhale pressure) with higher pressure only “kicking in” when required to have a person to breathe properly again.
If the ASV machine does not provide optimal treatment, then use a BiPAP with AVAPS or Bilevel with iVAPS machine as detailed on the blog post in October 2020. On the next blog post, I will detail my personal experience using the “top of the range” Bilevel with iVAPS machine. It is my belief that these machines will be able to handle most if not all issues in relation to sleep disordered breathing up to going on a Ventilator.
These machines have adjusting pressure support and two critical settings which other less advanced machines do not have, being Back-up Breathing Rate (BURR) and Target Ventilation rate for breathing. The machines are currently very expensive; however they are absolutely fantastic machines as they will enable you to have consistency every night with your sleep therapy so that you can wake up refreshed and energized each day.
Some people may question why I do not recommend CPAP. CPAP is not well tolerated by many people as mentioned on a number of previous blog posts including Why is CPAP Compliance Rate Low? and Are BiPAP and Bilevel and Ventilators reducing Deaths during Coronavirus? There is an estimated 80% or more than 15 million people who are non-compliant, failing and non-successful on sleep apnea therapy.
In addition, as detailed on previous blog posts (listed at the end of this post), it is likely you will need BiPAP or Bilevel machines to stop and prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.
On a December 2019 sleep article, Sleep medicine specialist Barry Krakow, MD advises:
Sadly, many sleep professionals, not to mention arcane insurance guidelines, are wedded to the belief that CPAP works for everybody. If that were true, then why is CPAP compliance the single most problematic aspect in the treatment of OSA? The answer is that CPAP does not work or work well except on prototypical sleep apnea patients, but that hasn’t stopped many sleep centers from attempting to force CPAP on patients who will never be able to adapt to it.The biggest question about PAP modes revolves around how patients breathe out against incoming air. And, the answer may surprise many sleep professionals, because they probably haven’t given it that much attention, otherwise they would have ceased using CPAP as we did back in 2005.
Let’s dispel one myth. Unfortunately, many individuals working in sleep medicine have persuaded themselves that advanced PAP therapy such as ASV or autobilevel [ABPAP] are all about marketing and therefore about making greater profits with more expensive machines. As we have repeatedly demonstrated reversal of CPAP failure cases by using advanced PAP, we would like to think consideration would be given to how much money is saved by turning a failure into a regular user.
A few years ago I asked a senior executive of a major equipment supplier what % of patients currently get issued with a bilevel machine and why more bilevel machines were not being issued to patients. On the blog page The Secrets to Success using CPAP and Bilevel, I detailed the response which may surprise many people:
“Currently, depending on Country, only 2% to 4% of total patients get issued with a bilevel machine. The medical specialists will not issue more bilevel machines as they fear that the machine will not work and that they will get sued!”
Why does the bilevel machine not work for the patient? As mentioned throughout this Blog, many of the sleep medical specialists are not educating themselves and their patients and they do not understand how BiPAP and Bilevel machines truly work!
I fear that unless the attitude and mindset of the sleep and respiratory medical specialists and other professional people who work in the sleep industry changes in the next few years, many more millions of people will end up going down the path towards Alzheimer’s Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders!
Making the issue of overcoming hypoxia and obstructive sleep apnea
occurring during REM sleep more complicated is I may have to use very high
pressure which may go above 20 cmH2O. As a result, I had to reconsider CPAP side effects and issues. Some of
these issues are the same issues that I had already overcome some years ago
such as mask leaks, aerophagia, air coming through the eye tear ducts and out the eyes and central sleep apnea.
Using a bilevel auto adjusting pressure machine brought order and control to REM sleep disordered breathing when breathing may become erratic, irregular and shallow especially during what I believe is the critical REM sleep period of 4 to 5 hours of sleep. By doing so, I stopped and completely reversed the symptoms of dementia.
As detailed on previous blog posts, this sleep period is critical to preserve as long as possible so as to avoid progressing down the path of having the symptoms of Alzheimer’s Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders and serious medical conditions. Everyone needs to get themselves through this period, ideally without waking up. You need to preserve the period of 4 to 5 hours of REM sleep for as long as possible!In recent research study articles:
New research explores the connection between sleep disturbances and deficiencies among older adults and risk of dementia and death, finding that risk of dementia was double among participants who reported getting less than five hours of sleep compared to those who reported 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
People who clock six to seven hours of sleep a night had the lowest chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke when compared with those who got less or more sleep, according to a new study. This trend remained true even after the research team accounted for other known conditions or risk factors for heart disease or stroke.
A great benefit of adjusting the bilevel machine settings due to having the symptoms of dementia is that I have more consistency each day in not waking up during REM sleep and having better oxygen saturation. As I am having better quality sleep, less sleep is required every night. 7 to 7.5 hours of quality sleep is all that I now require. Previously 7.5 to 8 hours was normal sleep time. Every day, I have an additional average 30 minutes of extra time each morning! This is great especially when you need to be somewhere in the morning.
Further details of the combination of REM sleep issues, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and Awake Bruxism and how they may be early warning signs or markers of a diagnosis of REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD) and subsequently Alzheimer’s Dementia and Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders are on the following blog posts:
Oct 20: Use BiPAP ST with iVAPS or AVAPS for REM sleep issues
Nov 20: Use BiPAP and CPAP to treat REM Sleep and OSA issues which may cause Parkinson's and Dementia
Dec 20: Stop CPAP REM Issues and Sleep Apnea causing Dementia: Use BiPAP
Jan 21: Stop Hypoxia, Alzheimer's, Bruxism using CPAP and BiPAP
Feb 21: Stop Insomnia, Hypoxia, REM sleep issues causing Alzheimer's: Use BiPAP
Mar 21: Use BiPAP to prevent Alzheimer's Dementia caused by REM sleep issues
Apl 21: What BiPAP Settings prevent Alzheimer's due to REM sleep breathing issues
Jul 21: Stop Alzheimer's Dementia using BiPAP with AVAPS or iVAPS
Aug 21: Can Alzheimer's be due to Sleep Position on Back using CPAP?
Feb 22: How to stop Alzheimer's Dementia and Amyloid Protein using BiPAP?
Should you be having side effects and issues with your sleep apnea therapy; CHANGE what you are doing so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and energized each day.
“Have courage. Be adventurous and Go for it! Overcome your fear.”
- Mrhelpful